Notepad++ 8.7.5 Download for Windows 64-bit or 32-bit PC
You are about to download Notepad++, Latest Version ( 8.7.5 ) for Windows.
Click the button below to start downloading it:
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All you need to know about this download
- Version: 8.7.5
- Supported OS: Windows
- File Name 64-bit: npp.8.7.5.Installer.x64.exe
- File Size 64-bit: 6.34 MB
- File Name 32-bit: npp.8.7.5.Installer.exe
- File Size 32-bit: 6.18 MB
- The 64-bit version of This software is scanned using 72 antivirus apps and the 32-bit version of this software is scanned using 72 antivirus apps.
- After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
- The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.
Install Notepad++ 8.7.5 on Windows
Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded installer file and double-click on it to run the installer.
In the installer window, accept the terms and conditions and then hit the ‘I agree; button.
The installer will prompt you to choose the components and installation options. By default, the recommended options are selected. Review the options and modify them if needed. Then, click on the "Next" button.
Choose the folder where you want Notepad++ to be installed. The default location is typically fine for most users. Click on the "Next" button to proceed.
Choose the folder where you want Notepad++ to be installed. The default location is typically fine for most users. Click on the "Next" button to proceed.
Once the installation is complete, click on the "Finish" button.